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  • GBP(British Pound)

Returns and Exchanges

All orders placed on are subject to our Terms & Conditions. Returns on bulk orders will only be allowable on units that have not been received in satisfactory condition, including damaged, faulty or otherwise unsatisfactory items.

To return stock please go to your account page and select 'Order History'. Find the order number with the problem stock and click the 'Returns' button. Fill out the form to generate your return and RMA number for the stock.

Order History

Our return address is:

Unit 23 Morses Lane 
Colchester, CO7 0SQ

Dropship Returns Policy

For clients using our dropship service we do not accept returns for refunds from your customers, as we do not and cannot control your product advertising, marketing and product claims. However, we will offer replacement or refund for damaged, faulty or incorrectly posted items.

If a parcel is returned to the dispatch unit due to non-collection by your customer, we will notify you - you can choose to be refunded (less the shipping costs) or have the parcel shipped again (you will have to pay the shipping costs again).

Please refer to our dropship outline of service here -